Take a load off with the CBI Electronic Time Switch and Energy Control Unit
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Recent events have brought the reality of large-scale power cuts into our homes and businesses. CBI-Electric: low voltage has the answer to help you actively assist in alleviating the power crisis in the country. The use of a time switch and energy control unit (ECU) in the home achieves the objective of leveling out load during high demand periods such as early evening and early morning which can make a significant contribution to the national effort to manage load.
The ECU is a load shedding device used to control the shedding of non-essential loads e.g. electrically heated water tanks, under-floor heating and air -conditioning units during high demand periods such as early evening, when most families are preparing dinner. As an example, when a stove (the controlling circuit) is switched on and the current exceeds the rating of the ECU, the supply to the hot water geyser (controlled circuit) will be temporarily interrupted. The ECU rating (amp) should be low enough to ensure the timely interruption of the controlled circuit. The ECU is compact in size, clips into/onto a mini-rail for convenient mounting and is silent in operation.
The CBI electronic time switch can be set to switch on the geyser for a couple of hours before it is needed, e.g., in the early mornings. The same can be done in the afternoon depending on your individual household requirements. Alternatively, the peak loads can also be shed effectively by switching the geyser ON only during the night. With your geyser making up about 20% of your domestic power requirement, the effect of the use of the time switch on load is crucial. The same can be said for pool pumps, under floor heating, etc.
A time switch can also act as a security device. When you go away you can set it so that the lights are turned on/off at appropriate times as it would when you are at home. Or, you could have it as a permanent setting
That way you will never again walk into a dark house! The CBI Electronic Time Switch is compact with an LCD display which enables you to visually see the setting of times and programs in the unit. It has a bypass/override switch which allows you flexibility when managing your energy consumption at home.
And just because we will never be fully protected against power outages, the device is available with a 24 hour reserve, meaning it will keep its time and program settings in the event of a loss of the supply voltage to the unit.
Go on, do yourselves and the country a favor, and take a load of by getting your electrician to quote on fitting a CBI Electronic Time Switch or Energy Control Unit into your distribution board!
For more information contact John Raptakis at (011) 928-2089 or visit our website at www.cbi-electric.com