Tel + 27 11 928 2000
Private Bag X2016, Isando 1600
1 Tripswitch Drive, Elandsfontein, Gauteng, 1401  (Outside Africa)  (USA)  (Australia)

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Imitation isn’t flattery – it’s MURDER!


Counterfeit and imitation devices may ignite and burn under normal load conditions because they are produced without even the most basic quality control measures. These fake devices fail the most lenient tests prescribed by the compulsory standards.

Since counterfeit and imitation devices are not compliant, the installation is not protected, nor is the Certificate of Compliance valid.

Authentic CBI devices are guaranteed to comply with numerous international standards as well as the local compulsory standards. Authentic CBI devices will protect, always.

For information on how to spot a fake / counterfeit / imitation, download the attached document.

Should you suspect a counterfeit or imitation device, please do not hesitate to contact our hotline at 0860 BREAKR (273257) or +27119282000.
