Battle won in war against counterfeits
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As published by Crown Publications
"HARSH sentences were imposed on two Johannesburg businesses after the entities were convicted under Section 2(2) read with Section 19 of the Counterfeit Goods Act in the Specialised Commercial Crime Court in Johannesburg on June 4. Magistrate Brian Nemavhidi handed down a R20 000 fine to Wirelec Industries cc, an electrical retailer, with a further R30 000 suspended for five years on condition that it is not convicted of a similar offence. Micromatica 900 (Pty) Ltd was fined R50 000 with a further R100 000 suspended for five years - also on condition that it is not convicted of a similar offence.
Wirelec Industries cc had been found in possession of 25 counterfeit CBI-earth leakage devices during a raid conducted by the Department of Trade and Industries (dti) on 5 December, 2011. During the period March 2011 to November 2011, Micromatica sold a quantity of 500 CBI-branded earth leakage devices to Wirelec Industries cc."
Source: Crown Publications (
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