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Company News

Eskom’s New Proposed Tariff: Could technology help consumers and the national grid?

Eskom recently proposed a revised tariff structure which, if approved by Nersa, will charge residential consumers based on when they use electricity. It serves to manage peak periods by charging customers more for using electricity during these times. As energy charges will be split into peak, standard or off-peak periods, customers could possibly pay more or less, depending on their consumption profile.

CBI-electric: low voltage launches internal Smart Days

CBI-electric: low voltage launched its new Astute Range Smart Days on May 11 and 18 2022. The aim of the first sessions of this internal learning program was to promote and showcase CBI’s new IoT products and foster employee engagement.


How to save money with a smart home

The cost of living in South Africa is skyrocketing, with headline Consumer Price Inflation projected at 5.5% in 2022, according to a recently released forecast by the Bureau for Economic Research (BER). Rising electricity prices, high domestic food inflation and elevated fuel prices are expected to be the key sources of inflationary pressure this year. With this in mind, it is vital for South Africans to save money where they can and become more energy efficient to minimise cost implications.
